Saturday, January 31, 2009
4 month tummy
I can't believe how much my belly has popped out in literally days! For reals, one day my pants fit fine, then the next day they didn't. EJ notices it getting bigger every day too.
Haha, this morning I was jamming out to some reggaeton and baby started kicking away, doing somersaults in there. Either she doesn't like it or she enjoys it as much as her mama does. I think she was having fun dancing around with me though :P
Friday, January 30, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Just being nosy...
finger CHOP!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Anyway, I thought I'd write about dreams. I often remember at least bits of my dreams, but lately they have been more vivid and weird. I did have a dream that I gave birth already. I was at a check-up and they told me there that I was in labor and had to start pushing already. I was worried because it was too early and that was not how I wanted to give birth (it was this really sterile room on a hard little exam table). They told me that I had to start pushing so I gave a feeble push because I didn't really believe them that it was time already. (I didn't feel anything so I knew it was a dream.) They got mad at me and told me that I had to try harder, and put my hand down there to feel the head crowning, then all of a sudden the whole baby came out and I caught it. I just laughed because I stil didn't believe it. I looked down and it was this brown baby girl with a head full of thick dark hair. I laughed again and said "this can't be my baby, I was bald my whole first year!"
EJ had a dream that he was pregnant and gave birth...hahaha...he doesn't remember the details though.
After I told my new BIRCH (Building Initiatives in Rural Community Health-- the name of the AmeriCorps program I coordinate) team that I was expecting in July, one of the girls came up to me and told me that before she came to town for orientation and we met in person that she had a dream that I was pregnant.
TG and EJ's mom are sure that I am going to have a girl. Alison says it's a girl. We'll see...........
Monday, January 26, 2009
Baby Bump!
*we don't know if "she's" a boy or girl, and won't until her birthday, I'm just going to randomly say he or she instead of "it."
First Trimester
Exhausted? YES...could not keep my eyes open past 8:30. I never thought about how much energy it takes to grow a whole new person!
Vómitos? Only a few times when I brushed my teeth...weird.
Cravings? Olives....loooooove olives lately.
Amazed? Totally. I know women are pregnant and having babies all over the world every day, and many of my friends and cousins already have, and I worked for a while on the labor and delivery ward where I saw it every day, multiple times a day.....but I still can't fathom how one of EJ's tiny cells merged with one of mine and created a whole new being for this world. And how so much is growing out of those two microscopic cells....eyes, a heart, fingers....a whole entire person is being formed inside of me. I feel so empowered to have this ability. Super cheesy I know, but it's true!
Hmm, what else. Super eager, I read as much as I could get my hands on. EJ asked me one time, "how many first trimester chapters are you going to read?" I wanted to know EVERYTHING. We started meeting a bunch of different midwives to decide on who will guide me through this. I got prenatal vitamins and was more motivated than ever to eat as healthy as I could...always had this bag of veggies to snack on in my bag. No more coffee :( Just herbal tea...sometimes got so tired of drinking tea, but I'm used to it now. Then around 6 or 7 weeks nausea kicked in and I didn't want to eat anything. I would feel fine in the mornings but it’d get progressively worse throughout the day and by dinner time I couldn't be convinced to eat. I would just eat whatever I felt like eating just so that I ate something (cheese…olives…sunflower seeds…seems I wanted salt!). And I was still really tired all the time. And work has been soo hectic lately. It was pretty tough in December trying to finish up my class at UAA, keep up with this super busy time at work, and my part-time job teaching diabetes classes. I had no energy left for anything else. I just wanted to SLEEP. The nausea wore off by 12 or 13 weeks, and I’m back to thinking about my nutrition and reading everything I can about what our jelly bean’s developing every week.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
When we first found out.....
And this is from my journal, what I wrote the first day we found out...
November 2, 2008 Día de los Muertos:
So my boobs have been pretty sore the last few days, and I haven't had mi regla all of October. Last week I tried a test and it said "not pregnant." (I had a glass of syrah that night when we ate at Tango...oops!) Still nothing so I wanted to try another one this morning but was trying not to be too anxious and was afraid to just be disappointed again. EJ said go ahead trying not to make a big deal about it then went downstairs to make coffee. I peed on the stick and tried not to watch the blinking hourglass the whole time. I came back to the bathroom and it said "pregnant." I thought I wasn't it right because I didn't have my glasses on yet, or I was just hoping too hard, but it still said "___pregnant," no "not." I called EJ upstairs, impatiently, and watched him go look at it. He jumped around super happy. We are so happy. I was kind of shaky. I kept asking "is that right?" "are you sure?" EJ brought me coffee back in bed. Next time I had to go to the bathroom I peed on another stick, and it too said "pregnant." EPT 99.9% accurate x 2. EJ and I stayed in bed most of the day reading pregnancy stuff and talking about it. We had everyone over for dinner. At the end of the prayer EJ said, "and thank you God for blessing us with this baby on the way." I was watching everyone’s faces, saw them understand what he meant then there was screaming and jumping and crying and hugging. It was cool. Everyone is so happy and excited. It still doesn't seem really for real. It does, but it's surreal. Should be about 4 weeks. Can't wait to start talking to the midwives and learn everything I can.